rom the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
► The Eucharist, it explains simply, is "the source and summit of the Christian life." All the rest of the work of the church and indeed, the daily life of us Christians, directs us toward the Eucharist and flows from it. (CCC 1323-1324)
► The bread and wine are converted into Christ’s body and blood in this sacrament. The priest pronounces the words of Christ from the Lord’s own supper, but the power to transform the bread is God’s. (CCC 1375)
► We give a name to this daily miracle, a name which helps us see that the presence of which we speak is a substantial one. The name is “transubstantiation” and by it we refer to the belief that the very substance of the bread and wine actually changes and remains changed until consumed. (CCC 1376-1377)
► It is for this reason that we bow or genuflect when we pass the tabernacle. It is for this reason that we revere the Eucharist for this reason that we set aside some hosts for the sick and for our own prayer. It is for this reason that we place our tabernacle in a worthy and safe location. (CCC 1378 - 1379)