2023: THE YEAR OF EVANGELIZATION “Tough Topics” of Church Teachings
What happens when there is a teaching of the Catholic Church that we find difficult to talk about with someone, or find it a struggle to understand or agree with ourselves? During the Season of Lent 2023, Fr. Daniele will preach each Sunday Mass on a different “Tough Topic” that parishioners submit through our parish website.
You can submit any teaching of the Catholic Church that you do not understand, or find difficulty understanding, have trouble personally agreeing with, or have difficulty speaking about with others.
Simply go to: www.holynamestalphonsus.com/toughtopics and submit your “Tough Topic”. For the Sundays of Lent, Fr. Daniele will break them down during Sunday Mass and try to help us better understand them.
Please submit only one topic per person. With limited Sundays of Lent, only a selection of topics will be addressed, but other topics may be addressed in different ways this year.