For a number of weeks now, we have had to turn people away from attending our Sunday Masses because our maximum capacity allowed by Government restrictions had been reached.
To help with this problem - we are pleased to offer another time where people can gather for the Holy Mass.
Beginning NEXT SUNDAY, October 18, Mass will also be celebrated on Sundays at 4:00pm at Holy Name of Jesus - on top of our regular Mass Schedule.
Thank you to Isaac & Bernadette Sullivan who will provide music for this Sunday evening Mass. We will be in need of volunteers at the door and Lectors to read at this Mass - please if you are able to help, please speak to Fr. Daniele or phone the parish office.
BEGINNING NEXT WEEKEND OUR NEW MASS SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: Saturdays: 4:00pm (Holy Name of Jesus) Sundays: 9:00am (St. Alphonsus); 11:15am (Holy Name of Jesus); 4:00pm (Holy Name of Jesus) Tuesdays & Fridays: 9:00am (Holy Name) Wednesdays: 9:00am (St. Alphonsus) Thursdays: 5:15pm (Holy Name)