“Doesn’t the Church have Lots of Money?” This is a common statement made by many people - but a very common misconception! The needs of each parish - both maintaining the physical property and the spiritual needs of all parishioners is supported by the generosity of parishioners.
Each one of us has been bestowed with many gifts from the Lord: the gifts of our unique talents, the gifts of our time here on earth and material gifts, as well. We are called to be good stewards of these gifts – to use them to help build-up His Kingdom on Earth and to provide for others in need.
As Christian stewards, we are asked to use our time and talents to advance the ministry of the Church and to donate a portion of our treasure for the Lord’s work. We all are invited to support our Parish family. There are different ways to donate: You can support the parish by using the traditional Sunday Offering Envelopes, or by registering for our Pre-Authorized Debit Plan (Automatic Withdrawal). Your financial contribution assists the parish in its work and mission in the community. Your kind financial assistance to the parish is greatly appreciated.
Where does my money go? The money collected for our parish supports the life of the parish. Money is used for parish programs, Sacrament programs, supplies for our Liturgies, music ministry, upkeep and maintenance of the inside and outside of our property, parish staff, outreach to the poor and needy, parishioner assistance, Youth ministry and so much more. We also pay the rising costs of hydro, heat, water and insurance fees.
What are my options to donate? 1) 2020 SUNDAY OFFERTORY ENVELOPES Beginning November 23 & 24, the 2020 Sunday Offertory Envelopes will be available at the back of each church, sorted alphabetically.
2) AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWALS If you no longer wish to use envelopes - this is a great opportunity to switch to our Pre-Authorized Debit Plan (or Automatic Withdrawal). You set the amount and frequency, and the amount is automatically withdrawn from your account, as is the case with the way we pay other bills directly. More information and forms are available at each entrance or please contact the parish office.